Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's a brand new year!

Resolutions...  did you make any?
This new year I have simplified my expectations to just
a couple of lifestyle changes...

Our house has been pretty empty for the past few years
with our children away at school.
This January we have a new roommate...  
she is 23 (as of the 6th) and has her eyes on travel and adventure!  
This new year brings us together again and together we will settle into a new rhythm...

Resolution #1...
Try to be respectful and listen more carefully...
This past year was an incredible growing experience for my metalworking passions...
Along the way I had become a bit too committed to my "studio" time
and found that some of the more mundane domestic responsibilities
were falling short on the "accomplished" list...

Resolution #2... 
Work studio time in around household responsibilities...
 My brain is exploding with ideas for this new year!  
Santa was nice enough to put a couple of new toys under my tree and I am looking forward 
to getting to know them and see how they will change my work...
Additionally, I purchased a bunch of fabulous hand dyed silk ribbons last year
and my mind is working away at finding ways to add them to 
add a new texture and splash of color!

Not really a resolution, just a additional incentive to be playful...
I hope that any and all who read over this post, enjoy a new year that is filled 
with the love of family and friends,
good health
and financial security...

May the Joy's of the World be with you in 2011!

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